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Sản phẩm

Nubeà Synérgo synergic differential shampoo


NUBEÀ Synérgo


The Synérgo line was created to be used safely after cycles of treatment to help maintain the benefits obtained. A careful selection of delicate tensioactives and precious Essential Oils of Tilia Vulgaris, Eucalyptus Globulus, Lavandula Angustifolia mixed with Algae Extracts can help maintain the results achieved with simple daily cleaning. Products in the Synérgo line are also suitable for frequent use.


Synergic differential shampoo 200ml

Synergic differential treatment

Synergic differential shampoo with Lime, Lavender and Eucalyptus Essential Oils and plant extracts.  Recommended for frequent use or as an alternative to specific shampoos.

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Mô tả


From the most advanced research and experimentation, a complete line of scalp and hair health products comes to life. The natural and dermocosmetic formulations of the 8 Nubeà families, developed on a special synergy between Essential Oils and Vegetal Extracts, work by restoring the right skin balance, intervening with precision and delicacy on the main hair and scalp anomalies, and respond to the most common daily needs linked to them, in all periods of the year.