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Sản phẩm

DAVINES MELU Elasticizing anti-breakage shampoo


DAVINES MELU  Elasticizing anti-breakage shampoo for long or damaged hair. Its formula, characterized by a soft and creamy foam, is designed to gently cleanse the hair, making it shiny and silky.

Hết hàng

Mã: 20230393 Danh mục: Từ khóa: , ,

Mô tả

DAVINES MELU  Elasticizing anti-breakage shampoo for long or damaged hair. Its formula, characterized by a soft and creamy foam, is designed to gently cleanse the hair, making it shiny and silky.

Những lợi ích

  • Anti-breakage, elasticizing action.
  • Reinforced, shiny and soft hair.
  • Hoạt chất tự nhiên.

Thông tin bổ sung

  • Thu được bằng năng lượng sạch 100%. Không tác động, bao bì thiết yếu và có thể tái chế.