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Nubeà Sursum anti-hairloss shampoo



NUBEÀ Sursum Anti-hairloss  shampoo


Nourishing shampoo with Lemon and Bergamot Essential Oils and Serenoa extract. Strengthens hair and prolongs its life cycle. For use during the Essentia and/or Sursum treatment period.

The Sursum line contains the rare extract of Serenoa Repens which is recognized as one of the main agents that prevent progressive loss. This action is enhanced by the synergy with Essential Oils based on Citrus Limonum and Citrus Aurantium Bergamia and on Vitamin A and E which help the vitality of the hair and visibly maintain growth as a prerogative.


Anti-hairloss adjuvant shampoo 200ml

anti-hairloss adjuvant treatment


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Mã: 20230943 Danh mục: Từ khóa: , , , ,

Mô tả


From the most advanced research and experimentation, a complete line of scalp and hair health products comes to life. The natural and dermocosmetic formulations of the 8 Nubeà families, developed on a special synergy between Essential Oils and Vegetal Extracts, work by restoring the right skin balance, intervening with precision and delicacy on the main hair and scalp anomalies, and respond to the most common daily needs linked to them, in all periods of the year.